It is always a great idea to create custom challenge coins. But it is a custom product that isn’t very conventional type. It is made primarily to strike an impact in the memories of everybody working close to you. They are usually created to celebrate the commemorating events, recognize certain achievements of the employees or even increase the brand awareness in the market. But there is a lot to just picking the right custom coins, and here’s our guide to make this easier for you.
What are they used for?
The best use of the custom coins involves identifying a certain individual’s achievements. It can also be distributed to bring more unity to the organization or the community. Historically, receiving a custom challenge coin means great honour for the individual. The coins that are of good quality can be kept as treasures and passed on to future generations.
Here are the major types of coins that one can choose from:
Challenge coins
These coins are very popular among the military segment. Also besides these, they are given to the first-responders and to other organizations that mark their recognition or comradeship. These coins are easily customizable; however, their final use must be kept in mind. These coins can have the organization’s name on them, the founding date, its value, and many more memorable things.
Military coins
These are created to be presented to the members who have just achieved a particular rank in the military. It can also be handed to those who have shown extreme excellence or to any team belonging to a specific unit. These coins are traditional and can be used anywhere in the navy, military, air force, marine, or coast guard. The design normally is a mix of insignia and writing.
Commemorative coins
These coins are made with a motive to celebrate an event in an organization or separately highlight an individual’s achievement. These are very popular in honouring a person’s lifetime accomplishments. Beyond the formal uses, these coins can also be used for arcades, club memberships, or family reunions.
The customization options
- Pick the right size of the coin
- Choose the style and use enamel color in the appearance
- Pick from variety of materials like gold, nickel, copper, brass, or silver
- Finally, choose the best color for the finish
Refer to the collection of Responders Pro custom coins for the best coin options.